Saturday 26 November 2016


I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your support. Those who sent through words of encouragement and those that managed to be part of the Double-Single Launch on the 18th of November, 2016. Special mention goes to the team behind the scenes who worked tirelessly to make the launch a success. Steve Chikosi(Photo Shoot), Theresa and Zaza Muchemwa(Set Design), my producer Adrian Mparutsa and the awesome band thank you for believing in me and pushing me to these dizzy heights; Tatenda Mabika for all the publicity material design, Munhu Chaiye @ Monolio Studios - I am forever humbled; my big sister Kessia Magosha(Guest of Honour); Blessing Hungwe for capturing this moment in history: Clive Manhenga for the perfect sound and recording of the launch:my parents I know how much you sacrificed - I can never thank you enough. Batsirai E Chigama, the event manager, words fail me. My appreciation also goes to all the media houses that covered the launch. To all those who supported by sharing the event on different platforms, thank you all. I am because of you.

Tendai Mavengeni: Photo by Blessing Hungwe

Clive Mono Mukundu: Photo by Blessing Hungwe

Photo by Blessing Hungwe
Tendai Mavengeni: Photo by Blessing Hungwe
Tendai Mavengeni: Photo by Blessing Hungwe

Boniface Mavengeni: Photo by Blessing Hungwe

Chidochemoyo Musasiwa and Netsayi Chigwendere: Photo by Blessing Hungwe

Photo by Blessing Hungwe

Kessia Magosha(Guest of Honour): Photo by Blessing Hungwe

Photo by Blessing Hungwe

Photo by Blessing Hungwe

Tendai Mavengeni: Photo by Blessing Hungwe

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