Saturday 26 November 2016


I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your support. Those who sent through words of encouragement and those that managed to be part of the Double-Single Launch on the 18th of November, 2016. Special mention goes to the team behind the scenes who worked tirelessly to make the launch a success. Steve Chikosi(Photo Shoot), Theresa and Zaza Muchemwa(Set Design), my producer Adrian Mparutsa and the awesome band thank you for believing in me and pushing me to these dizzy heights; Tatenda Mabika for all the publicity material design, Munhu Chaiye @ Monolio Studios - I am forever humbled; my big sister Kessia Magosha(Guest of Honour); Blessing Hungwe for capturing this moment in history: Clive Manhenga for the perfect sound and recording of the launch:my parents I know how much you sacrificed - I can never thank you enough. Batsirai E Chigama, the event manager, words fail me. My appreciation also goes to all the media houses that covered the launch. To all those who supported by sharing the event on different platforms, thank you all. I am because of you.

Tendai Mavengeni: Photo by Blessing Hungwe

Clive Mono Mukundu: Photo by Blessing Hungwe

Photo by Blessing Hungwe
Tendai Mavengeni: Photo by Blessing Hungwe
Tendai Mavengeni: Photo by Blessing Hungwe

Boniface Mavengeni: Photo by Blessing Hungwe

Chidochemoyo Musasiwa and Netsayi Chigwendere: Photo by Blessing Hungwe

Photo by Blessing Hungwe

Kessia Magosha(Guest of Honour): Photo by Blessing Hungwe

Photo by Blessing Hungwe

Photo by Blessing Hungwe

Tendai Mavengeni: Photo by Blessing Hungwe

Wednesday 16 November 2016


November 2016

15-Year Old Mbira Sensation Launches Two Singles From Upcoming Album

Fifteen year old mbira sensation, Tendai Mavengeni has done it again.  She launches two singles from her upcoming second album “TENDAI” this Friday 18 November at Alliance Francaise.  The second album follows two years after the release of her debut album, “DESTINY” released in 2014.
Tendai who writes all her lyrics on her own says she is keen to tackle issues to do with the girl child as daily, she encounters young girls who are constantly being abused. This is reflected in one of the songs to be released on Friday, “Motoroodza.”  The second song “Munzira Yakachena” is a plea for protection to the gods from the evil haunting the world.

Producer of the album, Adrian Mparutsa says "Being part of this creative process has been a good experience working with a very young artist who has so much depth.  Her writing is very profound and subjects you to a lot of introspection.  As the producer all I had to do was magnify her thoughts to bring out the musical product."

Talking to her parents recently who have been very supportive in Tendai’s artistic journey, both Chengetai and Boniface Mavengeni are like any other parents with some tough love for their daughter.  They encourage Tendai to balance both her academic and artistic life, obviously with the academic taking precedence over all else.  “I would like to see her excel in both her art and academics to make her a full-rounded individual," says Tendai's mother.

Although they are protective like parents should be, Tendai enjoys the freedom to write, arrange her music the way she wants.  “We argue sometimes, about lyrics and the way the music is arranged but we want her eventually to be able to stand on her own, so she must learn the business side of her art without us interfering but giving advice.  In the end the final decision on what stays is hers,” says Tendai’s father.
 Born in December 2000 in Harare, Tendai is a student currently doing her form three at Malbereign Girls High.  Tendai has a passion for music, particularly traditional music, the influences she acquired from the music she grew up listening to. She started playing Mbira (Nhare) at the very young age of 9, taught and mentored by respected mbira players Trymore Guchi Jombo and Brezhnev Guveya.  In the ensuing years she went on to she win a number of awards and medals at primary school level, performing at various platforms and events.
“I am excited on this project, I know I have grown from the first project.  I hope people will love the effort we have put in the project,” says Tendai.

For more information contact:  
By Batsirai E Chigama
Artsy Event Organiser

Saturday 12 November 2016


Recording and working with different musicians is not an easy task.  I am privileged to have a strong team working with me for the launch of two of my singles from my upcoming album on the 18th of November this coming week.  Recording and mastering is done.  Many thanks to my producer Adrian Mparutsa and Thami Bimha for mastering the whole album.  Photo shoot done.  Now rehearsals.

I look forward to seeing you on the 18th.  Tell a friend to tell a friend to tell a friend.

Saturday 15 October 2016



mbira artiste
The six-track “traditional jazz” album is influenced by a broad spectrum of traditional mbira and other music styles she has encountered in her young life, and lyrics include social concerns about the plight of children and how moral decay impacts negatively on children, especially girl children.
The album is made up of songs like Tununurei, Spirit of My Destiny, Wakaronga, Pfuma, Africa, and a bonus instrumental track.

“The first time I played for the public at Sistaz Open Mic, I felt great, although nervous. Since then I performed often and my nerves went away as I was getting used to stagework,” said Mavengeni.
She said she had received a lot of encouragement from other sisters to keep working hard, and had worked hard for about a year with a backing band to get to this recording stage thus she was glad to have finally reached this far.

Along with appearances at Book CafĂ©, Mavengeni has performed at the 2012 Protest Arts Festival, UZ World Theatre Day, Women Arts Festival, Zimpapers (Kwayedza) Poetry Awards, Zimbabwe International Book Fair, Mbira Schools Festival and the Mbare Boys’ Scouts Festival.

Today she is one of the finest young female nhare mbira players in the country who has drawn her inspiration from famous Zimbabwean women mbira players like Ambuya Stella Chiweshe and the late Chiwoniso Maraire and Claire Nyakujara, to mention a few.

Since 2012 the young artiste has been a regular participant of Pamberi Trust’s Sistaz Open Mic platform, which has significantly helped her by offering workshops and stage performances which have been of paramount importance in shaping her career.

“Tendai is doing great. She still has a lot to learn and go through, in terms of music, so this album launch is the start not the end. We still have a long walk. But she has been so easy to work with,’ said Nyakujara, who has been one of her mentors.

She added that her lyrical content, brain and thinking capacity is greater than her age.
Nyakujara said she encouraged her to keep looking forward, to grow, and believe in herself.
“My first goal was to make more songs of my own then to grow and record, and my next goal is to grow in the music industry and travel around the world because I think I’ve got something to share, and want my music to be listened to the world over,” said Mavengeni.

Her supportive father, Boniface Mavengeni accompanies her to every show since identifying that his daughter was “intelligent and very musical” from an early age. Her father said he had also been encouraged by her teacher’s comments after her first lesson, realising that he had even once run away from mbira as a child because his fingers were sore. Thus he was very moved by Tendai asking for a second lesson. 

“I would never stop her from entering the music industry, after all I have always admired Dorothy Masuka, Miriam Makeba and other local women artistes, especially those who play instruments, whom I feel have moved up a notch,” her father added.

He said in his family members played music in church, and his grandfather Mavengeni was a mbira player too, thus it was encouraging to find it in his own family in this generation.   He added that he did not see anything bad about girls going on stage, if it is God-given, no one could take it away although where there is success one must learn to keep their cool and he would always instil in her the need for professionalism.

Born in December 2000 in the capital, Tendai is a Form One pupil with a passion for music — particularly traditional music — which she grew up listening to.   She started performing at pre-school, at primary school her passion led her to start playing mbira at the very young age of 9, taught and mentored by respected mbira players Trymore “Guchi” Jombo and Brezhnev Guveya.

She went on to win a number of awards and medals at primary school level. “I am grateful for my parents’ support, my father has been with me since I started and my mum also encourages me every day to keep working hard and she is happy that I’ve finished recording so I know that I’m lucky and so I am thankful.”

Pane chipo apa! -Kasikana keForm 1 koshura mare -Kokwenya mbira zvinonwisa mvura

TENDAI Mavengeni (13), kasikana kepachikoro cheMabelreign Girls High, muHarare kari kuita mashura nezviratidzo muzvidzidzo zvakasiyana nevamwe. Mwana anokwenya mbira zvinodadisa iyeye! Gwenyambira wechidiki uyu ari kushura mare zvekuti anoratidza kuti ramangwana rake rakajeka munyaya dzekushandisa chipo chake uye anotova nedambarefu idzva rine nziyo dzembira dzinotapira kudarika huchi hwakarungwa neshuga.

Ari kushura mare Tatenda! Avo vaiva pane imwe hotera muHarare nemusi weChina svondo rapera apo paipihwa mibairo neKwayedza kuvana vechikoro vakagona kudetemba vakasara vasina nechokutaura kunze kwekungozunguza misoro. Kana vekubazi redzidzo yepuraimari nesekondari vakashaya nechokutaura pamusoro pechipo chine mwana uyu.

Nziyo dzaTendai Mavengeni dziri kubata-bata moyo yevazhinji avo vanomuona achiridza mbira zvemhando yepamusoro kwaanokokwa muzvikoro pamwe nenzvimbo dzekutandarira dzinosanganisira Book Cafe muHarare.

Gwenyambira wechidiki uyu anoti akatanga kuda zvekuimba aine makore angangodarika matatu ekuberekwa uye anonzwa kusimudzirwa zvakanyanya nevaimbi vakaita saMbuya Stella Chiweshe naThomas Mapfumo avo vanomupa shungu dzekuda kuimba nziyo dzechivanhu.

Tendai ari kuita Form 1 pachikoro cheMabelreign uye anoti haaone zvemimhanzi zvichimudzosera shure panyaya dzechikoro sezvo vabereki vake vachimubatsira zvakanyanya pazvinhu zvose zvinodikanwa kuti mimhanzi yake ipfumbire.

“Ndinotenda Mwari nevabereki vaakandipa, rutsigiro rwavanondipa rwakanyanya zvekuti kana zviri zvemimhanzi ini ndinozongoudzwa kuti nhasi uchanoridza kwakati. Zvose zvinenge zvarongwa kare nababa vangu,” akadaro Tendai.

Dambarefu rake rekutanga rinonzi ‘’Spirit of My Destiny’’ iro rine nziyo shanu dzinosanganisira Africa, Girl Child naKushungurudzwa.

Tendai anoti nziyo dzake zhinji dziri maererano nekutambudzika kunoita vanhu, zvikuru vanhukadzi nevana, mukurarama kwavo.

“Nziyo dzangu zhinji ndinonyora ndakatarisana nekutambudzika kunoita vanhu mukurarama, kusanganisira madzimai nevana uye ndinoda kuti mhanzi yangu ibate pamhodzi yemoyo yevazhinji,” akadaro Tendai.

Amai vake, Mai Chengetai Kambanje, vanoti vakaona chipo chemwana wavo apo ainge achiri mudiki uye vanokurudzira vamwe vabereki kuti vasaregerere vana vavo apo vanenge vaona zvipo zvavo.